Alberta First Initiative

Alberta First Initiative

About us
Alberta First Initiative is a labour of love. Our goal is to promote policies that put Albertan interests and her people first.
Founder, Mackenzie Lee, recognizes that over the past several years there has been a tendency to cave to the whims and wishes of Ottawa and provinces that are putting their interests above Alberta’s. Mack, had this to say, “It is past time that Alberta has not just a loud voice, but a fighter, for our principles and to put Alberta first in our actions and provincial policies.”
Mack is a second generation Canadian. His grandparents fled from Communist China. The opportunities Alberta was able to provide his parents when they came to Canada are the same opportunities that he wants to see for his two young daughters today. Mack understands, perhaps more than most, growing up and hearing from his parents how freedoms can be lost in a single generation if they are not protected and if the people do not stand up for themselves.
Mack invites you to work with Alberta First Initiative to help us encourage activism, political engagement, and to promote more voices to stand up for Albertans, and put Alberta First.
Our Mission
To inform Albertans of common sense policies that espouse individual responsibility, freedom, respect, diversity, and a more autonomous Alberta. To educate Albertans on how they can have an impact and help shape policy outcomes. To activate Albertans to make common sense policies a reality. Through boots on the ground, hard work and the Alberta work ethic, make change occur in our political system.
Our Vision
Alberta First is committed to keeping ordinary Albertans engaged in the political process through education, and activism. We want to see more Albertans than ever before aware of how they can impact policies to better their future and the future of the province we call home.
Our Values
Alberta First values family, personal liberties, fiscal responsibility, diversity, inclusive and decidedly Alberta First policies that will espouse greater autonomy for the province we all love.